Centenary farmhouses, dry stone enclosures, flocks of transhumant sheep, the Peñarroya, peak of the province of Teruel, the trop plein de los Caños, waterfalls of cold and clean water, fresh meadows, orchids, endemic butterflies, quiet cows, sargales and hawthorns, stories of war and the maquis, mushrooms, terraces, willows and poplars. All this and much more in the south of the Iberian mountain range. In the Parque Cultural del Chopo Cabecero del Alto Alfambra. In Gúdar and Allepuz (Teruel).
The trail follows the GR 199 Ruta de los Chopos Cabeceros del Alfambra from Km 0, in the val de Motorritas (Gúdar), to the town of Allepuz following the course of the Alfambra River. It is marked with beacons and signposts. Pastures abound and cattle are common, so they cross gates that must be left closed. It connects with the PR-TE 29 Alcalá de la Selva-Gúdar-Valdelinares and the PR-TE 33 Gúdar-Barranco de las Umbrías. It passes by a picnic area.