
Bread, as it was made in the past

From 3 to 4 p.m. To be agreed
2.30 to 3 hours
For lodgers only. Maximum 4 persons

All year round.


See how bread is prepared from scratch with sourdough and make your own bread, clean the wood-fired oven, bake the bread and taste it.

What does it consist of?

We begin to elaborate the dough from the sourdough that we kept in the previous elaboration of the bread, while the oven is already on and hot (this work begins around 12 o’clock in the morning).

After an hour of stirring the dough and punching it down, the oven coals are cleaned while the dough is fermenting. When the dough is ready, we begin to cut it and make the breads and buns that we put in the oven.

Soon we will have our first freshly baked bread in our hands.

Sharpen your senses, you will smell wood, smoke, freshly baked bread and you will taste it.

Additional information

Bring an apron and a desire to go back in time, when other generations made their own bread, bread that had to last a week and was stored without a freezer.

How to enjoy it?

Contact us:

Casa Benito and Masada Andabe. Montse Salesa. Tel. 696 549 738

[email protected]
