The town of Cañada de Benatanduz is located 1400 meters above sea level, being the highest municipality in the entire region. The toponymy of its “surname” (Benatanduz) seems to indicate that the village was founded during the Arab domination in Spain.
The town is made up of four neighborhoods. The first of these was MonjuíMonjuí, built on a rocky spur of easy defense, in the style of other villages of the region as Villarluengo and Cantavieja, of which nowadays only the ruins are preserved. From this neighborhood there are spectacular views of the surroundings. The other three neighborhoods are La Villa, San Cristobal y La Magdalena. This distribution causes the village to spread out in sectors and scattered houses, although close to each other. Only the neighborhood of La Villa forms a sort of grouped urban nucleus, since San Cristóbal and La Magdalena resemble a group of farmhouses, each of which has its own barns and corrals and its own threshing floor.
The most monumental buildings are located in the neighborhood of La Villa, presided over by the church of the church of the Assumptionbaroque building dating from the 18th century, the old town hall1540 and the Hospital de los Pobres, from 1568. The latter two have three and two arches, respectively. In its surroundings we can also find the oven and some large house. In recent times, the old school has old school school, closed in February 1975, has been restored. This educational heritage is exhibited in the old hospital building, but in order to enter, it is necessary to hire a guide to open it for you, such as T-Guíoor contact the City Hall to see if they have opening hours.