
Route 09 Mountain Bike Center: Hoces de Guadalope

From Portal de Marzo (Cuevas de Cañart) follow the GR 8 to Crespol and Ladruñán (km 3.6). Take the asphalt road to La Algecira and later the road to El Higueral and El Latonar (km 5). It ascends steeply to the Masía de El Higueral (km 9) and arrives at a pass, a trail junction where Route 8 is abandoned (km 16); turn left here and descend to a forest trail(GR 8) that skirts the Guadalope Gorges. After a steep descent, it runs along the river (km 24), crosses the Vado Bridge (km 24.5), crosses the Cañada River, the Pitarque River, the old paper mills and reaches the A-1702 road (km 27.5).

Continue to Villarluengo (km 34.6), leave it by El Portal street(PR-TE 66), go down the cobblestone road and cross the medieval stone bridge to go up the road to Las Calzadas. It connects with the track (km 39), crosses La Hoya (km 42) and Torre Soriano. After a stretch with constant ups and downs through Las Hoces del Guadalope, take the Muela Carrascosa track (km 52) and ascend to the last pass (km 54) to start the steep descent towards the Guadalope (km 60). It crosses the parking lot of the Natural Monument of La Fonseca to link with the beginning of the route and end in Cuevas de Cañart (km 68).

To be considered:

The route can sometimes be described as “extremely difficult”.

The cyclability could be lower than indicated, between 88 and 94 %.

The accumulated difference in altitude is higher than indicated, it can be between 1,800 and 1,900 m.

On the first descent, be careful not to miss the right turn, where there is hardly any grooved cement left. Great caution.

The second descent, signposted as dangerous, is very dangerous, and you have to watch out for an immediate right turn.

To provide for hydration, pay attention to the location of the Fuente de las Torrecillas (see map in the file).

Route card

Difficulty Unevenness Km Cyclability Approximate duration Type of road surface
Very Difficult
1424 m
68.5 km
6h-8h (possibility of doing it in two days)
86% forest track, 3% paved track, 9% road. 2% trail

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