
Route 02 BTT Center: Las dehesas

It starts at Calle del Loreto, the hermitage of Loreto and coincides with the GR 8 to La Iglesuela del Cid; continue along the asphalted track to the Cruz Gorda peirón (km 5.6) taking the PR-TE 85 trail 100 m away towards Las Dehesas, a beautiful valley dotted with numerous farmhouses. It joins the A-226 road (km 11.5) and climbs up to the Puerto del Cuarto Pelado (km 15.5). Next to the pass we take a forest trail to the left(PR-TE 74); further on it becomes a well-defined path (km 16.9) that links up again at another pass with the same forest trail (km 18.2). Along this same road we reach an important trail junction, near La Capellanía (km 21.1). Here we join Route 1 and descend to Fortanete among old stone quarries (km 28).

Route card

Difficulty Unevenness Km Cyclability Approximate duration Type of road surface
664 m
28 km
2h-2h 30'
82% forest track, 4% trail, 14% road

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