
GR 8.1 | Stage 04: Molinos – Ejulve

The GR 8.1 leaves Molinos towards Ejulve along Henchidero street to find the path that climbs the hill, crosses the road and continues on the other side towards Pozo del Salto. The trail gradually loses altitude and reaches the Santa Lucía ravine, where it takes the forest trail that progresses through the valley. Further on, at a crossroads, leave the detour to the waterfall and the hermitage and ascend through a lateral watercourse, cross it by a path and crown the ridge.

From there, a path through pine trees begins to descend towards the right bank of the Guadalopillo valley. It crosses its dry riverbed and comes out at a road junction where it connects with the PR-TE 62. From now on the GR 8.1 does not leave the Guadalopillo valley: first along a farm track, then along a path through kermes oak groves and finally along a path through old orchards, the route progresses to the base of the Ejulve farmhouse.

Route card

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