In La Cuba, in 1845, there was one elementary school, attended by 16 students. Where the Esparto Interpretation Center is currently located. the local school was located there. On the second floor was the girls’ classroom and on the upper floor was the boys’ classroom. When it became a coeducational school, it was located on the second floor, which is why, now, a space on this floor has been used to recreate how it was. This school has been preserved in exceptional conditions, due to the quality, quantity and variety of materials.
Since the mid-19th century, interesting documentation of the Junta Local de Instrucción Pública (Local Board of Public Instruction) has been kept in the municipal archives. Also kept are inventories, inspection visit books, school work, and abundant didactic materials such as Seix Barral cut-outs from the beginning of the 20th century, embroidery sheets and a voluminous collection of school books from 1870.