
Miravete Town Hall

In the Maestrazgo region there are many town halls that, combined with the church, generate central public spaces, like a square delimited by their facades. In Miravete the town hall and the church of Santa María de las Nieves form a block in the shape of a “U”. In addition, under the tower of the church attached to the town hall there is a vaulted passage that communicates with the back street.

The town hall is composed of two parts arranged at right angles. The facade of the town hall facing the street is very simple and has two levels: on the first there is a semicircular doorway and on the second, a lintel window with a molded sill and a tile cornice.

The interior façade, where the portico is located, has two wings: the west wing has three arches, and the north wing has two open arches and one cut by the church tower. All of them are low arches resting on cylindrical columns and large capitals decorated with flowers. The upper floor contains small openings and is crowned by an eave with canes in the shape of a pigeon breast. The whole set is made of ashlar masonry.