
Montoro de Mezquita Washhouse

The Montoro washhouse is next to the town center, on the left side of the road, before turning right to enter. Its history is relatively recent, dating back to the 1950s.

In the past it was common for women to go down to the river to wash their clothes, since the Guadalope River has always had a good amount of water. Washing and rinsing clothes with plenty of running water has always been better.

At the end of the 1950s, running water was brought to the village from the Hoyuela fountain, and a fountain was built in the village square with a trough. In order to take advantage of the surplus of the trough, they built a washhouse. To erect it, they used the ashlar stones from the corners of a cemetery that was never used. They channeled the excess water from the trough in the plaza. Over the years the fountain and trough disappeared, and the water now comes directly from a spring called Noguerales.

It is a simple washhouse, the ashlars are shined with cement and the roof is made of uralite. It is covered on three sides, open to the west, where the roof rests on a column. It is accessed from the road by stone slab stairs with a wooden railing.

It has two pools, the larger washing pool and the rinsing pool. The washing stones have two parallel grooves to facilitate the scrubbing of the clothes, with a large channel in the washing well in case the soap slips and does not fall into the well.

Undoubtedly, this washhouse made washing easier for the women because, although the river water was better for washing clothes, here they did not have to wash on their knees. Although it has not been used much, it is now well maintained, and there are women in the village who still wash a lot of clothes there.