The Maestrazgo Cultural Park is configured around the Guadalope River and its tributaries, covering 43 municipalities spread over six counties in the province of Teruel: Maestrazgo, Andorra – Sierra de Arcos, Bajo Aragón, Cuencas Mineras, Gúdar – Javalambre and Comunidad de Teruel, which make up a vast territory with a wide heritage, both cultural and natural, in which impressive geology and archaeological sites are combined with valuable examples of Levantine Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque architecture.
El Maestrazgo, where silence speaks, the rebirth of a country. This is how the different slogans show us a territory carved by history and where the depopulation of the rural environment has created a fissure from which, thanks to the impulse of its people, they are trying to get out by revaluing the local products, of first quality, and laying the foundations of its development around its landscape and cultural reality.
The quality of the natural and cultural environment of this region is, without a doubt, its great resource for the future. So much so that 40% of its territory has been declared a Site of Community Interest, with unique examples of cultural heritage, which already enjoy specific legal recognition. It should be noted the existence of a large number of Assets of Cultural Interest: 10 historical sites, 21 monuments, 1 archaeological zone, two important Rock Art sites, formed by several shelters, within the Declaration of World Heritage, made by Unesco, as well as 615 archaeological sites.
The inventory of paleontological sites, with official recognition amounts to 70, in addition to 48 Points of Geological Interest, which serve as a basis for being one of the founders of the EUROPEAN GEOPARK NETWORK and the GLOBAL GEOPARK NETWORK, a transnational cooperation project on Geotourism and Geoconservation. Many elements generically enjoy the status of Assets of Cultural Interest, such as castles, armory stones or peirons. Nor should we forget a rich popular architecture, which reaches its best examples in the numerous farmhouses that make up the dispersed habitat, without missing the industrial facilities of the past.
The ethnological heritage includes a wide range of traditional trades, unique agricultural and livestock activities, such as transhumance, a rich festive calendar, in which the festivities related to fire and pilgrimages stand out, without missing the Easter celebrations and the presence of the bull, essential in many of the festivities.
To learn more visit the website of the Maestrazgo Cultural Park.