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The passage of El Cid Campeador

Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar is one of the best known characters of the Spanish Middle Ages. Evidence of the passage of El Cid through the Maestrazgo region can be seen in the place name of La Iglesuela del Cid and in many places in the town: Cuevas del Cid, Hermitage of the Virgen del Cid, Salto del Cid, Peña del Cid, Muela del Cid, etc.

In Fortanete are preserved the remains of the so-called “Castle of the Cid“, castle from the Muslim period that could have been used by the troops of the Cid Campeador due to its strategic position, dominating the valley of Mercadales from the top. Enjoy the route of the Castillo del Cid.

The path of El Cid

The Road to El Cid is a cultural tourist itinerary that crosses Spain from northwest to southeast and follows in the literary and historical footsteps of Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, the Cid Campeador, the famous medieval knight of the 11th century.

The main travel guide of this itinerary is the Cantar del mío Cidthe great medieval Hispanic epic poem that narrates the adventures of the Campeador, written at the end of the 12th or beginning of the 13th century. The places, sites and castles that appear in the Cantar de mío Cid form the backbone of this itinerary.

It also covers some places that do not appear in the Cantar but are linked to the historical figure of the Cid. Overall, this is an essentially rural route where tranquility and direct contact with the land are assured.

Due to its length (about 1,400 kilometers of trails and 2,000 kilometers of roads), it is divided into themed routes of approximately 50 to 300 km linked together, so you can fit the trip into your vacation days.

La Iglesuela del Cid, Cantavieja y Mirambel are part, within this route, of the Ring of Morella.