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25 September 2021 | 7:00 pm 9:00 pm

At 5 pm we will visit the Llovedor de Castellote, where Luis Mampel, Palentologist of the Dinópolis Foundation and Scientific Director of the Geopark of Maestrazgo, will talk about this geological point of interest that attracts so much attention, while Rita Pereira, tourist guide of the City Council of Castellote, will explain the historical and cultural details of the same. Afterwards, we will enjoy an “Afternoon of Spanish guitar” where Auxías Parejo, solo guitarist, accompanied by a trio of oboe, violin and cello, will perform a selection of the most representative and universal works for solo and accompanied guitar.

Concert Program

Llovedor concert space
Space of the Concert “Afternoon of Spanish Guitar” at the Llovedor de Castellote