

Waves of liberal armies
and Carlists

Waves of liberal and Carlist armies

Allepuz could be the prototype of a small peripheral town involved in an increasingly demanding war dynamic. Located at a transition point between the Maestrazgo and the Alfambra valley, this locality did not occupy a strategic enclave. Despite this, its inhabitants lived the echoes of important military events, such as the Royal Expedition in 1837, the siege of Morella in 1838 or the final assault of the liberal army on the capitals of Maestrazgo in 1840.

© José Luis Cano

The information

The Royal Expedition

Road to Madrid

Guerrillas from other wars

Information on the presence of columns or parties was key to the development of the war.

In the spring of 1837 a large military expedition of 14,000 men left Navarre, leading the Carlist pretender himself.

The prince Don Carlos finally arrived, after a journey through the lands of Castellón, to the “magical kingdom of Cabrera” of which Baron Rahden spoke.

The First Carlist War (1833-1840) was one more in the sequence of counterrevolutionary wars that Spaniards had lived through since the Convention War (1793-1795)…

Civilians, often unwittingly, participated in the information war that accompanied the war.
Civilians, often unwittingly, participated in the information war that accompanied the war.
Located on the right bank of the river, Cabrera supervises the operations of the Royal Expedition's passage of the Ebro.
Located on the right bank of the river, Cabrera supervises the operations of the Royal Expedition's passage of the Ebro.
The Royal Expedition at the gates of Castellón in early July 1837.
The Royal Expedition at the gates of Castellón in early July 1837.
Jerónimo Merino (1769-1844) was a guerrilla priest famous for his participation in the War of Independence.
Jerónimo Merino (1769-1844) was a guerrilla priest famous for his participation in the War of Independence.

The information

Information on the presence of columns or parties was key to the development of the war.

Civilians, often unwittingly, participated in the information war that accompanied the war.
Civilians, often unwittingly, participated in the information war that accompanied the war.

The Royal Expedition

In the spring of 1837 a large military expedition of 14,000 men left Navarre, leading the Carlist pretender himself.

Located on the right bank of the river, Cabrera supervises the operations of the Royal Expedition's passage of the Ebro.
Located on the right bank of the river, Cabrera supervises the operations of the Royal Expedition's passage of the Ebro.

Road to Madrid

The prince Don Carlos finally arrived, after a journey through the lands of Castellón, to the “magical kingdom of Cabrera” of which Baron Rahden spoke.

The Royal Expedition at the gates of Castellón in early July 1837.
The Royal Expedition at the gates of Castellón in early July 1837.

Guerrillas from other wars

The First Carlist War (1833-1840) was one more in the sequence of counterrevolutionary wars that Spaniards had lived through since the Convention War (1793-1795)…

Jerónimo Merino (1769-1844) was a guerrilla priest famous for his participation in the War of Independence.
Jerónimo Merino (1769-1844) was a guerrilla priest famous for his participation in the War of Independence.