Home / Lugares con historia / Transhumance


Traditional livestock farming, mainly sheep, has been forced to make certain adaptations to the bioclimatic conditions of the environment. The most significant is the transhumance, practiced for centuries between the highlands of these mountains, as a summer pasture area, and the Levantine areas as a wintering area. Paths and cattle trails have crossed these lands of Maestrazgo since time immemorial, linking the territories of Aragon, Catalonia and Valencia.

This continuous movement of shepherds and livestock from one area to another gave rise to the creation of an extensive and organized network of roads, the cattle trails. These were classified according to their width into trails, ravines, cords or azagadores. In addition, numerous elements, worthy of protection today, marked the roads: watering troughs, counters, corrals, boundary markers, etc. Livestock and pastoral activity was the main activity for many centuries. This led to the fact that their traces are still very present in our cultural and architectural heritage.

Contrary to the idea that many people have that the Maestrazgo has been an isolated area, both transhumance and the wool trade in sheep wool of sheep contributed to the relations with the coastal territory, open to the influences coming from beyond the seas, which favored the introduction of novelties, artistic currents, fashions, etc. in the area.